Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mud, Sweat, and Tears (For the Pioneers)

2 days left.  Whoah.
The further we get in this trip, the faster the days seem to fly.
We're all hoping the next 48 hours crawl by.
But before we get ahead of ourselves..
Here's a Saturday recap.

Heading out! David, our team leader from Score International, is on the left
Today we traveled to another pair of villages, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon.  Each village experience - we've visited 5 now - has been unique. The personalities, the setting, and the activities have changed every time.  But one thing sticks from location to location: a welcoming spirit.  Our new friends greet us with joy every time.  They show us around and make us feel welcome. They love conversation (as slow as it can be) and forgive us when we struggle with our Spanish.  We came down to Panama to share Christ's love and have received a steady dose of love ourselves.  Saturday was no exception.

Today started with a boat ride.  The river trip was a quick but entertaining experience for us, and it concluded with a landing at our smallest village yet.  Within minutes things got muddy (dirt was not an option today, it was an accessory).

Readers, there's nothing quite as challenging as Mud Pit Soccer. Especially for those who don't play soccer much..aka the entire Zoo. There's also nothing that makes you laugh quite as much. And there's nothing that makes you yell quite as much (PASARLO). MPS made for quite a memorable morning. That, and the fact that several of our guys tried to take on spicy peppers. Tears were shed. A truly gorgeous moment for pioneers everywhere.

Jay Pops post-MPS. Giddy for the jersey exchange.
The afternoon took us away from the water and back to an urban village. We joined up with a larger group of middle school / high school guys and played... you guessed it.. more MPS. Same crazy sport. Completely different location. We also spent time making balloon animals (props Tina) and bracelets.  A time of sharing testimonies brought a significant close to our rewarding day.

MPS, it's been real.

2 days now, and we ask you to be intentional in praying for this country, that God's love will continue to strike hearts in and around Panama City.

Much love and God Bless,

The Panama Zoo

Today's Testimonies:

Joe - James 1:5-8
Mal - 2nd Corinthians 12:

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